There is a time for everything and for every purpose under heaven. I know this to be truth in my life. After a profound wounding of my spirit (yeah, people can do that), the Cecilio and
Kapono song, "Gotta get away for a while to ease my head,
everyone knows that's that way to do it" has been swirling in my head. I felt I needed to get away from it all -- to rest, restore, renew. For me, there's nothing better than withdrawing to spend a portion of the fall season with my family in Tennessee. Thanks to my dad and mom, I'm here to get some much needed tender loving care that can only come from driving around the brilliant countryside with my delightful family at my side. As they cheer me up, I'm hoping my presence, in return, is cheering them up, as my mom's been experiencing a slow and painful recovery from a dreadful need surgery/replacement. This trip has helped us both get out of our routine and enjoy the magnificence of God's awesome creation. We've enjoyed quiet moments sipping coffee, eating catfish, homemade applesauce and other delicious foods. We've soaked in the blessings of good company and the joy of simply being together. Even though there is no place like home (
Hawai`i), there's also no place like my home away from home. After all, home is where you hang your heart. For now, it's here in the rolling hills of East Tennessee. Yes, it's been good for all of us. To that end, I bid you good thoughts and a "Happy Fall Y'all!" Live each day like it counts!